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  1. Aham. Deci judecata e pe 'fratii' si 'pareri'. Bun profesionalism. T/C, mai sunt si alte servere, nu-mi mai bat capu cu toti ofticatii.
  2. what's wrong with you? i'm in my fkn 20s and i don't know you for shit besides that you slay / gag me, often. once cuz i played scout on awp map, several times cuz i 'spawn kill', once ban 6 hours cuz i said bosnia is muslim nation. you're just mad in game and it shows. finding reasons to ban / slay me. let's talk about times when you and other vip players used /t /ct commands to stack up in a single team and then abuse VIP knife and speed on awp maps, also playing 6 awp maps in a row for this purpose??? douche bags. talk about 'free game' and 'fairness'. "AND YOU ARE NOT HUMAN." - talking about insults and stuff just fuck off and let me alone, i didn't even talk to you even once u just felt entitled to 'defend' your country and beliefs against someone who didn't even talk to you or even did/said anything bad. permanent ban because you mad about a song lyric lol.
  3. Nick: WRATH IP: STEAM ID: STEAM_0 : 0 : 89292279 Data / Ora: 12/07/2022 18 : 48 Adminul care te-a banat: AdnaN Dovezi : https://i.imgur.com/PpvBRwk.png 🤣😂 rasist bosniac extremist motiv :
  4. Numele tau: Fulg Nickname: WRATH Ore jucate: 40 ore Link GameTracker: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Esti activ pe TeamSpeak3?: nu Vreau acces cu parola pentru ca cineva joaca cu numele meu, azi cand am intrat pe server am gasit echipat un cutit si un model care eu nu le-am echipat niciodata. Si aveam gag pe chat 2 ore, nu stiu care e faza dar banuiesc ca e cineva 'cunoscut'. Se pot verifica logurile.
  5. o fi din cauza ca am dat spam pe u@ cu wg
  6. Nick: WRATH IP: STEAM ID: STEAM_0 : 0 : 89292279 Data / Ora: 24/06/2022 18 : 59 Adminul care te-a banat: cHaZzZ Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/bmk469s WG https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2413942 mi-a dat ban in 2 minute dupa ce l-a cerut, abia terminase de scanat.
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