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  1. De la 1 MAI s-au resetat rankurile si revenim cu un nou concurs TOP 3 ! La finalul lunii MAI ( 31.05.2023) daca va aflati in TOP 3, primiti PREMIUM pentru 30 de zile. ( Fondatorii/Administratori/Premiums EXCLUSI ) V-a puteti verifica locul in top si aici https://panel.elders.ro/stats/toppoints/ Succes !
  2. PLAYERS RULES [1] You are not allowed to advertise of other servers or invite X on the Y server - permanent ban !! [2] Do not stress the admins. [3] Any complaint to an admin must be posted on the forum, including proof, otherwise it will not be considered. [4] Vulgar language is punished with a 5-10 minute gag, followed by a ban of up to 120 minutes. [5] "I didn't know" doesn't exist !! [6] Whoever sits on the field and holds the game in place for various reasons (Ex: wants a duel, bhop nonsense in spawn, etc.) will receive SLAY! [7] You are not allowed to use the speed band on duel, you will receive slay. [8] If you are T you are not allowed to leave the terrorist area! You are allowed to go as far as the map ends for those from CT! ADMIN RULES [0] Do NOT ABUSE the commands - AMX_SAY / AMX_SLAP / AMX_SLAY / Y@> 1 WARNING [0 *] If there are multiple admins on the server, decisions are made by the command AMX_CHAT - (U @), not by yourself! -> 1 WARNING [1] Do not use weapons from the /vmenu during the duel! . 1 WARNING. [2] To the question "I mention that I have read the regulation" answer as follows: Eldersdr. [3] You are not allowed to sell your account, the person who takes possession of it will receive REMOVE and PERMANENT BAN! [4] You must give drop your weapon to Tero! > 2 WARNING [5] You are not allowed to leave TERO zone! > 1 WARNING [6] You are not allowed to take hp from the maps that allow this! > 1 WARNING [7] You are required to have a forum account! - ELDERS.RO - REMOVE [8] Map changes in last 5 minutes! unless players want to change faster, in the last 10 minutes, give amx_vote)! > 1 WARNING [9] Binding of HP to the button (/vmenu with menuselect) is forbidden! > REMOVE [10] The password can be changed within common sense > (twice a month)! [11] Upgrade requests will be rejected if you have an active complaint in the last 15 days stating that you have violated the rules and been penalized! [12] Keep the language as appropriate as possible! [13] Gold Members who are complained of and do not respond to those complaints within a maximum of 72 hours risk REMOVE. [14] To the question "I mention that I have read the regulation" answer as follows: Eldersdr. [15] You are NOT allowed to abuse commands or use a restricted command on a player for no good reason! > 1 WARNING or REMOVE depending on the seriousness of the act. THE 3 ACCUMULATED WARNING IS REMOVE. SERVER OWNERS ARE : @Koala Panda, @Senn, @STR.
  3. REGULAMENT JUCATORI [1] Nu aveti voie sa faceti reclama la alte servere sau sa il inviti pe X pe serverul Y - ban permanent !! [2] Nu stresati adminii. [3] Orice reclamatie catre un admin trebuie pusa pe forum inclusiv dovada, altfel nu se ia in considerare. [4] Limbajul vulgar se pedepseste cu gag 5-10 minute, urmat de ban de pana la 120 minute. [5] Nu exista nu am stiut !! [6] Cine sta camp si tine jocul pe loc din diverse motive (Ex: vrea duel, bhop aiurea in spawn, etc) va primi SLAY! [7] Nu aveti voie sa folositi bandà la duel astfel veti primi slay. [8] Daca sunteti T nu aveti voie sa iesiti afara din zona teroristului! Aveti voie sa iesiti maxim pana unde se termina harta pentru cei de la CT! REGULAMENT ADMINI & GOLD MEMBERS [0] Nu folositi in mod ABUZIV comenzile - AMX_SAY / AMX_SLAP / AMX_SLAY / Y@ > 1 AVERTISMENT [0*] Daca pe server sunt mai multi admini, decizile se iau prin comanda AMX_CHAT - (U@), si nu de capul vostru ! > 1 AVERTISMENT [1] Nu folositi arme/hp in timpul duelului! din meniul /vmenu . > 1 AVERTISMENT. [2] La întrebarea "Menționez ca am citit regulamentul" răspundeți astfel: Eldersdr. [2] Nu aveti voie sa va vindeti contul, persona care intra in posesia lui va primi REMOVE si BAN PERMANENT ! [3] Sunteti obligati sa dati arma la tero! > 2 AVERTISMENTE [4] Nu aveti voie sa iesiti de la TERO! > 1 AVERTISMENT [5] Nu aveti voie sa va luati hp de pe hartile ce permit asta! > 1 AVERTISMENT [6] Sunteti obligati sa aveti cont pe forum! - ELDERS.RO > REMOVE [7] Harta se schimba in ultimele 5 minute! exceptie daca vor playeri sa se schimbe mai repede, in ultimele 10 minute, se da amx_vote) ! > 1 AVERTISMENT [8] Bind-ul de HP la buton (/vmenu cu menuselect) sunt interzise! > REMOVE [9] Parola se poate schimba in limita bunului simt > (de 2 ori pe luna) ! [10] Cererile de upgrade vor fi respinse in cazul in care aveti o reclamatie activa in ultimele 15 zile din care reiese ca ati incalcat regulamentul si ati fost sanctionat! [11] Pastrati un limbaj cat mai adecvat! [12] Gold Member care sunt reclamati si nu raspund la reclamatille respective in maxim 72 ore risca REMOVE. [13] La întrebarea "Menționez ca am citit regulamentul" răspundeți astfel: Eldersdr. [14] NU aveti voie sa abuzati de comenzi sau sa folositi o comanda de restrictionare pe un jucator fara un motiv intemeiat! > 1 AVERTISMENT sau REMOVE in functie de gravitatea faptei. LA 3 AVERTISMENTE ACUMULATE SE PRIMESTE REMOVE. DETINATORII SERVER-ULUI SUNT : @Koala Panda, @STR, @Senn.
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