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[Plugin] Silly C4 1.0.0


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Few silly features added to the c4.

Plantable on wall - Why not! Only if your cl0se enough to a wall though

Defusion Numbers - This will show random numbers on your screen while defusing.

Remove speed restrictions - Allows you to plant or defuse while running around.

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Autor (nume): Madn3ss

Nume (numele pluginului respectiv): 

Silly C4 1.0.0

Comenzi publice (comenzile ce se execută pe server): amx_(comanda) / Cvars: amx_sc_rannumber (D: 1) - random numbers while defusing
amx_sc_wallplant (D: 1) - Allows you to plant on walls
amx_sc_removeres (D: 1) - walking speed while planting/defusing the bomb

Instalare: Normala.

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