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Everything posted by kenzzo-

  1. Nume: de_java-rise Mod Mapă: Bomb/Defuse Descriere: - Autor: skyova Link download: https://gamebanana.com/mods/328194 Imagini:
  2. kenzzo-

    [MAP] dd2x2_nd

    Nume: dd2x2_nd Mod Mapă: Bomb/Defuse Descriere: - Autor: Fes9 Link download: https://gamebanana.com/mods/328496 Imagini:
  3. Nume: ze_campescape_b3 Mod Mapă: Zombie Escape Descriere: - Autor: LgK_Godze21 Link download: https://gamebanana.com/mods/328580 Imagini: Nume: ze_campescape_b3 Mod Mapă: Zombie Escape Descriere: - Autor: LgK_Godze21 Link download: https://gamebanana.com/mods/328580 Imagini:
  4. - Nume plugin: Addons Classic v2.0 - Autor: #RoyalE keEng beetcH (Adica eu) - Engine ( HLDS / SRCDS ) : HLDS - Versiune: 2.0 - Informatii: Acest addons este facut in totalitate de mine(exceptand vip-ul, si inca un fisier din addons\amxmodx\data\lang/SwapDefuser.txt/. Addons-ul nu are nici un plugin licentiat, deci este FREE. Sper sa va puteti bucura de el :) - Download: http://www.girlshare.ro/3770012270.2 / https://www.mediafire.com/file/czf0l4jvuadhiq9/Addons_By_%23RoyalE_keeng_beetcHv2.0.rar/file - Instalare:Trebuie doar inlocuiti fisierul "addons" din ftp, cu fisierul "addons" din arviha
  5. Titlu : Dynasty Zombie CSO Descriere: este un addons Zombie mod Cso cu multe arme Autor : Susano'o Descarcare : http://www.mediafire.com/file/kuxfcd...+v2.0.rar/file Pluginuri : admin.amxx menufront.amxx ; конец админ меню plmenu.amxx ; меню игроков umm.amxx zp_nademodes.amxx auto_join.amxx zombie_plague40.amxx debug zp_antiblock.amxx no_one_win_blast.amxx zp_zombie_class_hunter.amxx AdminPrefixes.amxx zp_zombie_class_light.amxx zp_countdown.amxx zp_zombieclasses.amxx zp_parachute.amxx PrecacheX.amxx zp_bonus_first.amxx zp_addon_knifes.amxx nemesis_skill.amxx sank_sounds.amxx zp_buymenu.amxx zp_buymenu_all.amxx level_menu.amxx bullet_damage.amxx coins_system.amxx show_health.amxx zp_chatprefix.amxx zp_extra_pack.amxx zp_vipsystem.amxx multijump.amxx zp_vipmenu.amxx zp_vip_gold_menu.amxx zp_adminmenu.amxx zp_extra_uts15.amxx zp_extra_item_qbarrel.amxx zp_extra_skull-11.amxx zp_extra_item_skull1.amxx zp_extra_item_dart.amxx zp_extra_item_dbalrog.amxx zp_extra_spas12-cobra.amxx zp_extra_item_ak47long.amxx zp_extra_item_m16a1ep.amxx zp_extra_item_ethreal.amxx zp_extra_item_violine.amxx zp_extra_item_heavyzg.amxx zp_extra_item_watergun.amxx zp_extra_item_balrog5.amxx zp_extra_item_skull3.amxx zp_extra_item_crossbow.amxx zp_extra_item_vsk94.amxx zp_extra_item_skull5.amxx zp_extra_item_m95.amxx zp_extra_item_mk48.amxx zp_extra_item_skull6.amxx zp_extra_item_sfmg.amxx zp_extra_item_balrog7.amxx zp_extra_item_m134ex.amxx zp_extra_item_at4ex.amxx zp_extra_m32.amxx zp_extra_item_m79.amxx zp_extra_item_gdeagle.amxx zp_extra_item_sl8g.amxx zp_extra_item_gak47.amxx zp_extra_item_m60g.amxx zp_extra_item_m79g.amxx zp_extra_item_qbarrelg.amxx zp_extra_item_c4.amxx Tip : Parola Arhivei( optional ) :
  6. Titlu : Classic +Halloween mod Descriere: Un nou tip de gamemod. In acest mod trebuie sa-ti ucizi inamicii si sa colectezi dovleci . Castiga prima echipa care colecteaza 100 de dovleci . Autor : Hedgehog Fog Descarcare : http://www.girlshare.ro/3489107879.4 Pluginuri : Cvar-uri hwn_enable - activeaza modul (0 - dezactivat, 1 - activat, 2 - activat cu luna plina). hwn_max_ghosts - Maximul de fantome pe mapa. hwn_max_spell_items - Numar maxim de puteri pe mapa. hwn_max_gift_items - Numar maxim de gift-uri dropate pe mapa. hwn_max_loot_items - Numarul maxim de dovleci dropati pe mapa. hwn_custom_lighting - [ 0 ] dezactivat / Setezi lumina pe mapa hwn_score_limit - Scorul minim pentru castig hwn_round_end_time - Timpul dupa incheierea rundelor. hwn_respawn_time - Timpul pentru respawn. hwn_spawn_protection_time - Timpul pentru protectie in timpul respawn-ului. hwn_ambience - activeaza/dezactiveaza sunetele hwn_random_ambience - activeaza/dezactiveaza sunetele "inspaimantatoare" Normal Adauga +1 dovleac echipei tale. Equip Primesti armura si gloante. Health Primesti viata. Fireball Poti arunca cu mingi de foc in adversari . Blinball Esti teleportat in locul in care loveste puterea. Invisibility Devii invizibil un interval de timp. Overheal Primesti 150HP. Tip : Este un addons Classic + niste chestii de Halloween Parola Arhivei( optional ) :
  7. Titlu : Deathrun Descriere: Este un addons deathrun Autor : skaraosky Descarcare : http://www.girlshare.ro/3489660131.1 Pluginuri : team_join.amxx ; Te baga la echipa CT la conectare. DRM_trigger_hurt_fix.amxx ; Pentru pluginul de baza deathrun . deathrunmanager.amxx ; Pluginul de baza deathrun. use_button_once.amxx ; Terro poate sa apese o singura data pe buton . bunnyhop.amxx ; BunnyHop automat pe server knife_mod.amxx ; Meniu de cutite . allchat.amxx ; Toti vorbesc intre ei + adminii scriu verde . amx_slayteam.amxx ; amx_slayteam @CT / @T / @all - Da slay la toti. connect_exec.amxx ; Plugin binduri . speclist.amxx ; Iti arata cine se uita pe tine sus in colt ( dreapta ) . ultimele_harti.amxx ; Tastezi in chat /harti si vezi ultimele 5 harti jucate pe server. SayRestart.amxx ; Tastezi in chat /restart si dai restart la joc . transfer_life.amxx ; Iti transferi viata altui jucator ( /life NUME ) advanced_gag.amxx ; Amx_gag avansat . amx_destroy.amxx ; Plugin pentru codati mesaje2.amxx ; Mesaje colorate in chat. who2.amxx ; Plugin vezi adminii online . resetscore.amxx ; Tastezi /rs /reset /resetscore pentru a-ti reseta scorul . steam_slot.amxx ; Toti cu steam pot primi slot dupa 30 de minute jucate. admin_player_transfer2.amxx ; Transferi jucatorii direct din chat ( /spec NUME /ct NUME /t NUME ) ieseterrointract.amxx ; Atunci cand iese terro de la joc baga automat un counter in locul lui . plugin_trail.amxx ; O sfoara colorata in spatele tau 2xcentermsg.amxx ; 2 mesaje sus ( Serverul nostru va ureaza Sarbatorii Fericite ) .. admodels.amxx ; Modele adminii prin comanda ( /admodels ) drduel.amxx ; Cand un ct ramane in viata se poate duela cu teroristul prin comanda ( /duel ) drvip.amxx ; Meniu vip ( /vmenu ) goldonline.amxx : Arata un hud in stang ( GoldMembers : ) invis.amxx ; ( /invis ) Pentru a avea mai mult fps, poti face invizibila apa si playerii knife_mod.amxx ; Puteri speciale, gravity, viteza .. prin comanda ( /knife ) rope_update.amxx ; Fulgere ( hook, grab, rope ) who2.amxx ; Adminii online botplayers.amxx ; 3 boti la spec menutero.amxx ; Cand esti tero iti da 175 hp, un m4a1 si deagle. GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx ; Skin-uri pe arme. music.amxx ; Cand te conectezi pe server iti reda o melodie. WarGods_Shield.amxx ; Un plugin de securitate. amx_leavegame.amxx ; Un fel de destroy, dar mai puternic, distruge cs-ul + ban permanent ultimele_harti.amxx ; Arata ultimele harti jucate prin comanda ( /harti ) amx_zapada.amxx ; Ninge pe server respawn2.amxx ; 42 de secunde Tip : Parola Arhivei( optional ) :
  8. Titlu : Addons Respawn 2014 Descriere: Acest addons a fost finalizat in anul 2014(cam vechi, dar nu-mi place sa-mi postez din 'chestii', dar mna, eu zic ca este modern prin plugine/editari/culori + constructiile .inc/sma). Autor : - Descarcare : http://www.girlshare.ro/3769844863.4 Pluginuri : csdm_main.amxx csdm_equip.amxx csdm_spawn_preset.amxx spawn_editor.amxx csdm_misc.amxx csdm_protection.amxx csdm_ffa.amxx csdm_tickets.amxx csdm_itemmode.amxx csdm_refill.amxx admin.amxx admincmd.amxx adminvote.amxx plugin.amxx amx_exterminate.amxx amx_genesis.amxx amx_gore_ultimate.amxx cmdmenu.amxx file_watcher.amxx ;hack.amxx mapchooser.amxx mapsmenu.amxx menufront.amxx multilingual.amxx nextmap.amxx pausecfg.amxx pluginmenu.amxx prochat.amxx QuakeSounds.amxx Special_Admin_Gag.amxx statscfg.amxx statsx.amxx TimeLeftExtender.amxx timeleft.amxx functions-2012.amxx ;ultimate_protection.amxx ;xredirect.amxx adminchat.amxx Messages_manager.amxx ; de unit si alea cu csdm( alea mici ) Tip : Respawn Parola Arhivei( optional ) : N-are
  9. Nume: ze_longezone_rob_fix Mod Mapă: Zombie Descriere: - Autor: X-Codex Link download: https://gamebanana.com/mods/328627 Imagini:
  10. Nume: de_d2az_antic Mod Mapă: Bomb/Defuse Descriere: - Autor: Fes9 Link download: https://gamebanana.com/mods/328678 Imagini:
  11. Nume: de_nuke_2x2_dev Mod Mapă: Bomb/Defuse Descriere: - Autor: Fes9 Link download: https://gamebanana.com/mods/328730 Imagini:
  12. Nume: bio_color_v1 Mod Mapă: Zombie Mod Descriere: - Autor: Cray_Fish Link download: https://gamebanana.com/mods/329828 Imagini:
  13. Titlu : Addons CSGO Remake Descriere: Este unde addons de CSGO Remake simplu, nu are multe chesti in el. Autor : JaiLBreaK Descarcare : https://www62.zippyshare.com/v/kLU2QKpe/file.html Pluginuri : anti.amxx csgo_remake.amxx fixchat.amxx Tip : CSGO Remake Parola Arhivei( optional ) : N-are
  14. Titlu : DeathRun - Quest Mod & Xmas Mod Descriere: Este un addons de tip DeathRun cu Xmas Mod, il puteti incerca ca n-are nevoie de descriere. Autor : Raducu99 Descarcare : https://resursecs.com/addonsuri/1253-addon-deathrun-quest-mod-a-xmas-mod.html Pluginuri : Admins_online, deathrun manager, no_jointeam, questmod, dr_fixround, cfg_anti_kzh, plugin_trail, tutor_msg_shower, deathrun_xp, limbaj_admini, gag, ghostchat, transferlife, color_msg, smoke, hpk, frostnades, speedometer, user_button_once, glow, private_chat, snow, glow, snowball_war304 Tip : DeathRun Parola Arhivei( optional ) : N-are
  15. Titlu : Addons de tip War3ft + Respawn Descriere: Este un addons de tip War3ft + Respawn Autor : D.I.A.B.L.O Descarcare : http://www.mediafire.com/file/cu9twd572w5pflc/hlds_new.tgz/file Pluginuri : ; AMX Mod X plugins ; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated admin.amxx ; admin base (required for any admin-related) ;admin_sql.amxx ; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx) ; Basic admincmd.amxx ; basic admin console commands adminhelp.amxx ; help command for admin console commands adminslots.amxx ; slot reservation multilingual.amxx ; Multi-Lingual management ; Menus menufront.amxx ; front-end for admin menus cmdmenu.amxx ; command menu (speech, settings) plmenu.amxx ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.) ;telemenu.amxx ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!) mapsmenu.amxx ; maps menu (vote, changelevel) ; Chat / Messages adminchat.amxx ; console chat commands antiflood.amxx ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server scrollmsg.amxx ; displays a scrolling message imessage.amxx ; displays information messages adminvote.amxx ; vote commands ; Map related nextmap.amxx ; displays next map in mapcycle mapchooser.amxx ; allows to vote for next map timeleft.amxx ; displays time left on map ; Configuration pausecfg.amxx ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins statscfg.amxx ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands ; Counter-Strike ;restmenu.amxx ; restrict weapons menu statsx.amxx ; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!) ;miscstats.amxx ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike ;stats_logging.amxx ; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!) ; Enable to use AMX Mod plugins ;amxmod_compat.amxx ; AMX Mod backwards compatibility layer ; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here war3ft.amxx debug resetscore.amxx amx_ss.amxx amx_destroy.amxx amx_gag.amxx amx_blind.amx amx_who.amxx tfts_transfer.amxx csdm_main.amxx csdm_equip.amxx ;spawn_editor.amxx csdm_misc.amxx csdm_protection.amxx csdm_ffa.amxx ;csdm_tickets.amxx ;csdm_itemmode.amxx admin_check.amxx Tip : War3ft + Respawn Parola Arhivei( optional ) : N-are
  16. Titlu : Furien Classic Addons Descriere: Se poate descrie singur daca il incercati. Autor : bing Descarcare : https://www.mediafire.com/file/of9q0iqo9gpfa3z/Addons+furien+classic.rar Pluginuri : - Tip : Furien Parola Arhivei( optional ) : N-are.
  17. kenzzo-

    [Config] b1ng0

    ★ Config autor: b1ng0 ★ Instrucţiuni: se dezarhiveaza in cstrike ★ Link de download: https://www.cs-cfg.com/config/b1ng0&id=816
  18. kenzzo-

    [Config] QuQeR

    ★ Config autor: QuQeR ★ Instrucţiuni: se dezarhiveaza in cstrike ★ Link de download: https://www.cs-cfg.com/config/QuQeR&id=3109
  19. ★ Config autor: Lalonde ★ Instrucţiuni: se dezarhiveaza in cstrike ★ Link de download: https://www.cs-cfg.com/config/Lalonde&id=3181
  20. kenzzo-

    [Config] hypR

    ★ Config autor: hypR ★ Instrucţiuni: se dezarhiveaza in cstrike ★ Link de download: https://www.cs-cfg.com/config/hypR&id=3299
  21. ★ Config autor: pipeewz ★ Instrucţiuni: se dezarhiveaza in cstrike ★ Link de download: https://www.cs-cfg.com/config/pipeewz&id=3343
  22. kenzzo-

    [MAP] cs_alenmak

    Nume: cs_alenmak Mod Mapă: Rescue hostages Descriere: - Autor: Zinnoc Link download: Click Imagini:
  23. kenzzo-

    [Map] cs_m4

    Nume:cs_m4 Mod Mapă: dm Descriere: Autor: Mayo Link download: https://maps.cs-bg.info/maps/cs/3635/ Imagini:
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