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[Addons] Respawn 2020


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☆ Descriere Addons : Addons Respawn CSDM + Fun. Exista si comanda /shop care deschide un magazin, cameleon si un sistem de VIP care ofera urmatoarele: 120 HP, 200AP, 700 Gravitatie, 300 Speed, MultiJump, Silentwalk, Damage marit cu 5%, Apari ca VIP si inca vreo 2, 10 HP + 15 HP la headshot (max. hp: 150). De asemenea, are si sunete amuzante care se aud la killuri, double killuri, headshot etc.
☆ Autor :
☆ Imagini (obţional) : 

;Main plugin, required for most cases

;Weapons and equipment menus

;Enables preset spawning and the preset spawning editor
;Map config files are located in configs/csdm

;Miscellanious extra features, such as ammo refills
; and objective removals

;Spawn protection

;Adds free-for-all mode (must be enabled in csdm.cfg too)

;Round ticketing mode, like FireArms. First team to use all
; of their death points loses the ability to respawn.
; (must be enabled in csdm.cfg too)

;Item mode (from CSDM1)
;Must be enabled in csdm.cfg as well (at the very bottom)
;There is currently no item editor!

r4ge-server-guard.amxx ; protectie
dvanced_bans.amxx ; ban avansat
dp_test.amxx ; Vine cu dproto 0.3.7

ad_manager.amxx ; mesaje pe server
filehost_Gag_2013.amxx ; gag
kill_fade.amxx ; cand mori se face ecranul rosu si cand ucizi se face verde
ghostchat.amxx ; vii vb cu mortii
reset_score_3.amxx ; reset score
preturi_ranguri_motd.amxx ; preturi grade
who.amxx ; arata adminii online
admin_spec_esp.amxx ; ajutorul adminilor pentru a detecta codatii
amx_blind.amxx ; le face ecranul jucatorilor negru (prin amx_blind) pentru a vedea care e codat (amx_unblind pentru dezactivare)
HzHp_On_Kill.amxx ; hp la kill
plugin_trail.amxx ; trail
grenade_trail.amxx ; trail grenadelor
grenade_30sec.amxx ; da grenada HE la 30 secunde
multijump.amxx ; multijump
;user_tag_prefix ; taguri (recomand sa-l dezactivati daca vreti pluginul de rank si invers)
VIP_RESPAWN.amxx ; plugin vip
RBT.amxx ; raman urmele gloantelor pe ecran pentru ceva timp
Shop.amxx ; shop pe $$
players_models.amxx ; modele jucatori
camera.amxx ; camera
ut_killstreak_adv.amxx ; sunete la killuri (double, triple, headshot etc.)
weapon_icon.amxx ; arata iconita armei pe care o ai in mana
backweapons.amxx ; armele apar pe spate
ultimate_ss ; face screenshot jucatorilor
;csr_frag_counter_sprite.amxx ; arata fragurile in stanga (max 9)
cs_rank_system.amxx ; sistem de rankuri si nivele pe xp
day_night.amxx ; Schimba lumina si cerul hartii, conform timpului.
para.amxx ; parasuta pe E
;info_boost.amxx ; prin /boost ofera informatii despre boost.
cerere_wcd.amxx ; cerere wargods prin /scan, informatii despre cum se face wg pe /infowcd
;new_top15.amxx ; top 15 nou
high_ping_kicker.amxx ; jucatorii cu pingul mai mare de 200 primesc kick
pingfaker.amxx ; arata un ping fals
GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx ; schimbi skinurile
csdm_refill.amxx ; reincarca gloantele la un kill facut
chameleon.amxx ; cameleon
best_headshot.amxx ; la sfarsitul mapei arata cine a facut cele mai multe headshoturi

☆ Link de download : https://mega.nz/file/8iZg0IDI#3EX5gQ-433TltA_1UijvecfGfLZROhPu7VHcHTj4DgA 

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