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[Changelog] TeamSpeak 5.0.0-beta58 and beta58.1 [EN]


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Today we released our next beta version.
This time we added the support for themes.

Here is a demo of how it looks like when themes are installed (Shown are no official themes)

We added an Extensions sub forum for this. There you can present themes and offer downloads or discuss about Extension.

A documentation for this can be found in Client’s docs sub folder or by pressing the grafik  button in Appearance tab (shown when User Theme is enabled).

Here is the full Changelog with all changes and fixes
* 5.0.0-beta58.1

* Fixed crash on start in some scenarios

* 5.0.0-beta58

* Fixed deleting emojis in multiline messages
* Fixed hotkeys being invisible for actions other than "toggle"
* Fixed selecting revealed spoiler nodes
* Fixed avatars not rounded in pokes
* Fixed creation of empty hotkeys or left mouse button only
* Fixed wrong indicator when sorting bookmarks
* Fixed channel icon display when creating privilege keys for channel groups
* Fixed display issue with very long channel topics / client descriptions
* Fixed pasted link showing in blue in the chat input
* Fixed slider text not displaying correctly
* Improved visibility of timestamp when hovering a message in detailed chat mode
* Improved server-tree performance
* Improved performance of chat login
* Removed BB Code from channel topic and client description
* Added show avatar action to contacts
* Added initial support for custom themes
* Added tooltips to icons for server info
* Added country flag alongside the country name in client info
* Added documentation for remote applications

Known issue:
URLs in pinned messages do not open in Browser when link was not formatted in Markdown >
[this website](https://example.com)

Notes for this thread
Feedback as per always is welcome in this thread .Issues that are not related to this update belong to it’s own thread.
We suggest to place your wishes for upcoming releases in existing or new threads in the suggestion area instead of the release thread. We mention this because each update post will be closed after some days and the wish or suggestion could be lost.
We allow ourselves to delete all the off-topic posts from this thread.




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