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Everything posted by Hideontufis

  1. Don't ask for unban because you won't get it Just like Adnan said, stop the drama, we know you're the good one, we know you've got steam, we know you're 30 and full of maturity, we know I've never done a wg for 2 kills and I never will, but I see that's what it comes down to with you guys. But like other players countless times you are violent in command,arrogant and disrespectful!
  2. https://imgur.com/a/L5wKY54 I advise you to leave aside the lies and arrogance you do on the server 🙂 1.I think we have both been "playing" for 40-60 minutes and not since you joined the server. 2.It seems completely normal to me to check you when you look suspicious to me, show me in the picture above where the "every time" phase shows up showing us the new date*. 3.I want to see the sentence where I said "shut up" 🙂 4.Absolutely every time you are asked for WG by me or a colleague the problem is exactly the same, long discussions and explanations for what?Since you have explained in the past what WG is I don't see the reason why you are dragging it out just to what? By the way, you can see in the logo the moment you logged in, and the moment I asked you for wg!So stop with the "I just logged in, gave hs and asked for wg" bullshit! 5.You are the same exact material as other players,arrogant,disrespectful and characterless,I don't think I need to name names.
  3. https://www.arena-top100.com/details/nicolaeimbrea15/ https://topg.org/ro/servere-cs/server-628528 votat
  4. Nick:PURR IP/SteamID:[ ] [ STEAM_1:0:487060687 ] Perioada:permanent Dovada:https://www58.zippyshare.com/v/r2sm3Vvl/file.html Motiv:aim,wall [UltimateBans] PURR has been BANNED Permanently from the Server BY Hide on tufis. [ Reason - "aim,wall" ]
  5. Nick:[uG]-[MaChE] IP/SteamID:[ ] [ STEAM_1:1:1937297804 ] Perioada:permanent Dovada:https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2496103 Motiv:aim
  6. Nick:davidraz78 IP/SteamID:[ ] [ STEAM_1:1:602077335 ] Perioada:permanent Dovada:https://www29.zippyshare.com/v/LnwxZyWM/file.html Motiv:aim,wall
  7. Nick:Smecher IP/SteamID:[ ] [ STEAM_1:1:2146006558 ] Perioada:permanent Dovada:https://imgur.com/a/NNNHhgz Motiv:wg
  8. Nick:shpk01 IP/SteamID:[ ] [ STEAM_1:0:1778546096 ] Perioada:permanent Dovada:https://www119.zippyshare.com/v/rxsumNcd/file.html Motiv:aim,wall
  9. Nick:kajmer IP/SteamID:[ ] [ STEAM_1:1:1311945372 ] Perioada:permanent Dovada:https://www37.zippyshare.com/v/45rc21B8/file.html Motiv:aim,wall
  10. Nick:itssxbyonph IP/SteamID:[ ] [ STEAM_1:1:1908413977 ] Perioada:permanent Dovada:https://www14.zippyshare.com/v/FpzRGn3F/file.html Motiv:aim,wall
  11. Nick:Ajzen IP/SteamID:[ ] [ STEAM_2:0:1713487039 ] Perioada:permanent Dovada:https://www115.zippyshare.com/v/xKt5EGKG/file.html Motiv:aim,wall
  12. Nick:Shrbo5x IP/SteamID:[ ] [ STEAM_0:1:582962454 ] Perioada:permanent Dovada:https://imgur.com/a/iHAOIjZ Motiv:WG
  13. Nick:Marko IP/SteamID:[ ] [ STEAM_1:1:1305212871 ] Perioada:permanent Dovada:https://imgur.com/a/uazb5SZ Motiv:WG
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